The trail begins at the arched stone bridge on the Kintrishi River in the village of Tskhemvani.
The arched stone bridge belongs to the second period (XI-XII) of the flourishing age of architecture (the development of stone constructions) and is regarded as a monument of the Rustaveli epoch. According to one legend, it is called Tamari Bridge.
The trail continues from the stone arched bridge to the visitor shelter lying in the green nature, where visitors can get full information about the trail, learn about safety rules and get a trail map. The area is robed with mixed forest (chestnut, beech, hornbeam) stands. Visitors can use camp and picnic spots. The shelter has a hotel where visitors can have a rest, overnight or rent a horse.
The trails head to Tskhemvani St, Giorgi church, which started functioning in 2005. Initially, there was a Fathers’ Monastery, but since 2010 it has been transformed into a Maternal Monastery. Liturgy is often held there. Prayers especially visit from every corner of Georgia on Christian days. Visitors can see ancient wine pitchers.
The trail continues to old box-tree stands, with a height of 10-12 m and diameter of 16-21 cm.; the forest is more than 300 years. The RushaviRiver flows along the box-tree stands and at the end of the trail, the waterfall breaks the silence. The length of the path from the arched bridge is approximately 600 m (total – 1,200 m).
Please contact us for detail information about the trail - +995 577 59 21 12
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