The public transport (minibusses) towards the direction of the National Park go every half an hour from the Didube bus station, travel duration is approximately 20-30 minutes, travellers can also come to the National Park territory by public transportation to the direction of Tskvarichamia-Tianeti, which also departs from Didube bus station.
Information about transportation
From Tbilisi city to the National Park, the distance is 30 km, the coverage of distance by a vehicle requires an average of 1 hour and 10 minutes
Distance from Rustavi
from Rustavi to the Tbilisi National Park, the distance is about 49,3 km, the coverage of distance by a vehicle requires an average of 1 hour and 23 minute
Distance from Telavi
from Telavi to the Tbilisi National Park, the distance is about 100 km, the coverage of distance by a vehicle requires an average of 2 hour and 14 minute
Distance from Borjomi
from Borjomi to the Tbilisi National Park, the distance is about 165 km, the coverage of distance by a vehicle requires an average of 2 hours and 33 minute
Distance from Gori
from Gori to the Tbilisi National Park, the distance is about 89,9 km, the coverage of distance by a vehicle requires an average of 1 hour and 33 minute
Distance from Batumi
from Batumi to the Tbilisi National Park, the distance is about 381 km, the coverage of distance by a vehicle requires an average of 5 hour and 59 minute
Distance from Kutaisi
From Kutaisi to the Tbilisi National Park, the distance is about 234 km, the coverage of distance by a vehicle requires an average of 3 hours and 36 minute