Ispani II
(Kobuleti National Park) is a percolating domed swamp of universal
importance, which nourishes only by rainwater. The general background of
the swamp is formed by peatmoeese: sphagnum species, the so-called “Imeretian
sedge”, white rhynchispora (beak-sedge), the Caucasian rhynchospora, peat
sedge, water clover, round-leaved drosera and some others.
Most of these plants are of northern (boreal) origin, they
penetrated into Kolkheti in Quaternary glacial epochs.
In local peatbogs row Colchis plants: rhododendron, azalea, smilax
and others.
Species from the “Red List” of Georgia
In Kobuleti National Park we can find rare and endangered royal fern (Osmunda regalis)
National Park is distinguished by the diversity of migratory bird species.
These places are very rich in plant species. From mammals here are: jackal,
otter, jungle cat, badger, nutria, rabbit, bushes vole, field mouse.
Amphibians: Caspian and marsh turtles, common toad, green toad,
common Tree and others, and rptiles – water snake, snake, European legless
lizard, striped lizard, common newt and others.
From fish hin canals can be found oike, carp, perch and river eel.
Species from the “Red List” of Georgia
From rare and endangered animals should be noted otter
(Lutralitra). As for birds here can be found species included in the “Red List”
of Georgia (5 species: Saviyaryati; mcirekirkita; beqobisarwivi;
TeTrkudaarwivi; didimyivanaarwivi), as well as Europe-wide (28 species) rare
and endangered species such as: golden merops, kingfishers, little commorant,
yellow heron, ibis, black stork and others.
In addition, here are represented 7 species of endangered birds,
for example: Valley Montagu’s Harrier, Lesser Kestrel, field lawping, great
snipe, corncrake and others.
Attraction Passes
You are able to practice payable eco-tourist services at the National Parks of Georgia.
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