Fauna is
represented by: 28 species of mammals, 80 birds, 14 reptiles, 4 amphibian and 8
species of fish.
From mammals there are: jackal, fox, rabbit, jungle cat, lynx,
badger and boar.
There are many species of birds in Chachuna National Park: wild pigeons, turtle-dove, falcon, hawk, magpie, partridge, Imperial eagle. The
lomestone caves of Chachuniare the nests for gyps and fire-birds. The vulture
lives in juniper trees. Chachuna National Park is the important habitat with
the population of the most beautiful bird - Black francolin.
From reptiles here can be found Mediterranean tortoise and poisonous
snake – Levantine viper.
In the river Iori some species of fish are represented, among them:
catfish, mursa, silver carp, varicorhinus, common barbel, shemaya, carp,
barbel, gudgeon.
Insect group is also quite diverse: there are many grasshoppers,
beetles, butterflies, ants, spiders and others.
Species from the “Red List” of Georgia
There are 10 rare and endangered species of birds in Chachuna
National Park, there are: Imperial eagle, vulture, field eagle and others.
From big mammals here can be found: brown bear, lynx, otter and
Endemic species
In the National Park there are 24 species of small mammals, among
them: a small forest mouse (Sylvamus uralensis), the Caucasian forest
mouse (Sylvaemus fulvipectus), Pontic forest mouse (Sylvaemus ponticus), a house
mouse (Mus musculus), field muose (Mus macedonicus), Black rat
(Rattus rattus).
A diverse
flora is represented in Chachuna Managed Reserve. Along the river Iori Tugai
type riparian forest is growing, and on the surrounding hills and terraces
there are fragments of arid light forests, semi-deserts and steppe plants.
The absolute dominant of riparian forests is quaking aspen. In
small quantities are found grove oak, mastic tree and white willow.
In formation of arid light forests take part: mastic tree, some
species of juniper (Juniperus oxycedrus,J. foetidissima, J. polycarpos), red
hawthorn, oak, crab-apple, hackberries (Celtis). In the riverside and in the
wetlands reed and Arundo are spread.
Species from the “Red List” of Georgia
From rare and endangered species there are the Caucasian
hackberries (Celtis caucasica), mastic tree (Pistacea mutica), floodplain oak
(Quercus pedinculiflora) and juniper (Juniperus foetidissima).
Endemic species
From endemic species there are: Georgian iris (Iris iberica) and
Eichle rtulips (Tulipa eichleri).
Attraction Passes
You are able to practice payable eco-tourist services at the National Parks of Georgia.
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