Abastumani guard station – Didmaghala tourist shelter, Distance - 8 KM
The route starts at the Abastumani guard station (1390 m) on a car road and goes southeast;Afterwards, it turns to theAbastumaniRiver valley in the OtskheRiver valley. After 2.5 km the trail goes southeast in the direction of a steep slope (20-25 degrees inclination in some places). 6 km away from the mentioned turn you will reachthe Didmaghala tourist shelter, where you will spend a night.
Didmaghala tourist shelter – Abastumani guard station; Distance - 23 KM
The next day after a 1.5 km walk the trail goes along the car road to Achara-Imereti range to the west. 10 km away from the tourist shelter the route goes through the Nasabajvari shepherd summer cabins and runs down the Otskhe River valley. The trail links to first day route and goes back to the Abastumani guard station.
Please contact us for detail information about trail - +995 577 64 04 80
Attraction Passes
You are able to practice payable eco-tourist services at the National Parks of Georgia.
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