Likani guard station – Lomismta tourist shelter.
The trail starts from theLikani guard station (930 m above sea level) and ends at the Marelisi guard station (540 m) (or vice versa). Likani guard station is located 5 km from the National Park Visitor Center. The total length of the trailis 43 km. It starts in theLikaniRiver valley where visitors come across rare species included in the Red List of Georgia.
The first overnight is possible in the tourist shelter of Lomismta.
Lomismta tourist shelter - Sakhvlari tourist shelter, Distance - 18 KM
The next day the trail goes up the ascent to the top of Lomismta (2,198 m above sea level). The trip requires 1.5 hr. In good weather it is possible to see the highest peak of the Great Caucasus and Europe – Ialbuzi.
St. Giorgi church is located on Lomismta. In addition to beautiful views, there are flourishing rhododendrons in May and June.
The trail goes along subalpine meadows and runs down the Colchic sub-tropical forest zone during the second half of the day. The trip ends at the Sakhvlari tourist shelter (1,025 m above sea level).
Sakhvlari tourist shelter –Marelisi guard station, Distance - 10 km
On the third day, the trail goes along the Arjola River valley and ends at Marelisi guard station.
Please contact us for detail information about trail - +995 577 64 04 80
Attraction Passes
You are able to practice payable eco-tourist services at the National Parks of Georgia.
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